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Jumat, 25 April 2014

Business Letter

Business Letter   How to write a business letter What kind of letter is it? A business letter is a letter written in formal language. There are many reasons to write a business letter. It could be: to request direct information or action from another party, to order supplies from a supplier, to identify a mistake that was committed, to reply directly to a request, to apologize for a wrong or simply to convey...


Asking for and Giving advice    Expressions Asking for advice: I've got a bad toothache. What do you suggest? What do you advise me to do? What should I do? What ought I to do? What's your advice? If you were me what would you do? Giving advice If I were you, I would go to the dentist. Why don't you go to the dentist? You'd better brush your teeth regularly. You ought to/should avoid eating sweets. If you take my advice,...


Expressing Your Opinion    How to express your opinion Expressing opinion I think... As far as I'm concerned,.. To my mind,... According to me,... As I see it, ... It seems to me that... In my point of view / my opinion,.... From my point of view... I am of the opinion that... I take the view that. .. My personal view is that... In my experience... As far as I understand / can see/see it,... Agreeing...


Modal Verbs And Their Meaning    What are modal verbs? Modals (also called modal verbs, modal auxiliary verbs, modal auxiliaries) are special verbs which behave irregularly in English. They are different from normal verbs like "work, play, visit..." They are used to indicate modality. They give additional information about the function of the main verb that follows it. They have a great variety of communicative functions....

Shall and Will

Shall and Will What is the difference between shall and will? Shall is not used often in modern English especially in American English. In fact, shall and will have the same meaning and are used to refer to the simple future. They are use as follows: will is used with all persons I, you, he, she, it, we, they will go...

Kamis, 24 April 2014

Linking Words

Linking Words Linking words Like other languages, English has a lot of cohesive or transitional devices and linking words that can be used to express and join ideas. 1. Expressing addition To add information, you can use these expressions: Examples: in addition, - as well as - moreover - what is more - not only...but also... - furthermore - besides - also - too -...

Writing tips

Writing tips Writing tips These are some tips to help you in your writing. General The ideal English text is easy to read and understand. Good writers usually use plain English words. So your sentences should be simple, clear and well structured. When writing, remember the following recommendations in mind: use simple language use simple and clear sentences write well structured paragraphs (with...


Capitalization Capitalization rules Capitalization is the writing of a word with the first letter as uper-case letter (A,B, C, D,...) and the rest of the word as lower-case letters (a,b,c,d,...) This is a summary of the capitalization. Read the capitalization rules and study the examples given. The rules Capitalize the first word in a sentence. They arrived late. They had dinner and...

Listening - Rio de Janeiro 2016 Olympic Games

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Phone call to complain

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Listen and learn the numbers

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Daily listening lesson

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Listening to English songs

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Agreement, Partial Agreement And Disagreement.

Agreement, Partial Agreement And Disagreement. Agreement, partial agreement and disagreement The way people agree or disagree in an argument or discussion varies in different languages. Agreement: It is worthwhile saying that silence is not understood as agreement. If you agree with an opinion or an idea, you are expected to say so. Expressions There is no doubt about it that... I completely...

Talking About Favorite Things

Talking About Favorite Things Talking about favorite things When you talk about your favorite things you talk about the best liked or most enjoyed things. Examples: "What's your favorite color?" "Green." Study the dialogue: Leila is talking to her new friend Cathy: Leila: What kind of films do you like best? Cathy: Science fiction....


Gerunds (-ing) When a verb ends in -ing, it may be a gerund or a present participle. It is important to understand that they are not the same. When we use a verb in -ing form more like a noun, it is usually a gerund: Fishing is fun. When we use a verb in -ing form more like a verb or an adjective, it is usually a present participle: Anthony is fishing. I have a boring teacher. Gerunds are sometimes called "verbal nouns". In this lesson,...


Conjunctions What are conjunctions? A conjunction is a part of speech that joins two words, phrases or clauses together. There are three types of conjunctions: Coordinating Conjunctions Correlative Conjunctions Common Subordinating Conjunctions and but or nor either...or neither...nor not only...but also both...and whether...or ...

Senin, 14 April 2014


What Is Writing ? "Writing" is the process of using symbols (letters of the alphabet, punctuation and spaces) to communicate thoughts and ideas in a readable form. "Writing" can also refer to the work/career of an author, as in: "Shakespeare didn't make much money from writing." Generally, we write using a pen/pencil (handwriting) or a keyboard (typing). With a pen/pencil we usually write on a surface such as paper or whiteboard. A keyboard...


What Is Speaking? "Speaking" is the delivery of language through the mouth. To speak, we create sounds using many parts of our body, including the lungs, vocal tract, vocal chords, tongue, teeth and lips. Speaking is the second of the four language skills, which are: Listening Speaking Reading Writing In our own language, speaking is usually the second language skill that we learn. This vocalized form of language usually requires...


What is Grammar? Grammar is the system of a language. People sometimes describe grammar as the "rules" of a language; but in fact no language has rules*. If we use the word "rules", we suggest that somebody created the rules first and then spoke the language, like a new game. But languages did not start like that. Languages started by people making sounds which evolved into words, phrases and sentences. No commonly-spoken language is fixed....

Minggu, 13 April 2014

Practice Your English - Exercises


Narrative Essay

Narrative Essay Narration In a narrative, essay we basically tell a story that is related to your own life. It can be a narration of a personal experience or the events that happened to someone you know. The narrative essay should have a purpose. It must make a point and the reader must learn a lesson or gain insight. Tips to write a narrative essay Tell a story based on one of your own experiences. Use concrete details so...


Punctuation Punctuation rules Punctuation marks are symbols which organize the structure of written language, and indicate intonation and pauses to be observed when reading aloud. Punctuation marks are also used to avoid ambiguity. For example, "woman, without her man, is nothing" has a different meaning from "woman: without her, man is nothing" This is a summary of punctuation rules. Read...


Click Here to all the material of listening Listening Listening is often confused with hearing. While hearing is a biological process that can be scientifically explained, listening is a neurological cognitive regarding the processing of auditory stimuli received by the auditory system. Roland Barthes, a linguist, distinguishes between hearing and listening, stating, "Hearing is a physiological phenomenon; listening is a psychological act."...

Saying Goodbye

Saying Goodbye Saying Goodbye Parting phrases There are different expressions or phrases to say goodbye. These parting phrases depend on situations and the people involved, their social status and personal relationship. Leaving and saying goodbye All right, everyone, it's time to head off. Anyway, guys I'm going to make a move. Ok, everyone, it's time to leave you. See you later / tomorrow / soon. Talk to you later! If you want...

Telling The Time

Telling the time in English    Telling The Time How to tell the time in English? There are two common ways of telling the time in English. For 2:40 you can use one of these two ways. Digital: the easier way - "Two forty " Classical: you say the minutes first then the hour - "twenty to three" Here are the different ways to ask for and tell the time.   Asking about the time: What ...

Introducing yourself and other people

Introducing yourself and other people Introducing yourself and others There is a range of ways to introduce yourself and people. Introducing yourself: Here are expressions to introduce yourself: My name is ... I'm .... Nice to meet you; I'm ... Pleased to meet you; I'm ... Let me introduce myself; I'm ... I'd like to introduce myself; I'm ... Introducing others: Here are expressions to introduce others: Jack, please meet Nicolas. Jack,...


The Greetings Song Greeting There are different ways to greet people: Greeting means welcoming someone with particular words or a particular action. When meeting people formally for the first time, we greet by shaking hands and saying "How do you do?" or "Pleased to meet you." "How do you do?" isn't really a question, it just means "Hello". When young people meet informally they sometimes greet and say "Give me five!" and slap their...


Clauses What is a clause? A clause is a group of words that consists of a subject and a predicate. There are two major types of clauses: Independent clauses Dependent clauses Independent clauses An indpendent clause, also called a main clause, is like a sentence. It consits of a subject and a predicate and can stand alone like a sentence. Examples: She died last week He likes her. Dependent...